
Overseen by: Dr. Artrell Harris

Every person who has come to Christ has been taught by someone through the gospel of Christ. Being saved is one of the greatest acts that once can do. God wants every person save. The greatest teacher that mankind has ever witnessed was our Lord Jesus Christ, and we are commissioned by our Lord to follow His example. We are to be holy, loving, and merciful as we teach not only in our speech but also in our lives. At Roswell, we take Great Commission to win souls through home bible studies, correspondence courses, gospel meetings and revivals, telephone evangelism, and the jail/ Prison ministry.


Overseen by: Elder Stanley Addison
Director: Sedgwick Harris

We the Roswell Church of Christ are proud that we serve well within the church and in our community. Paul teaches us in Galatians 6:10 as we therefore have opportunity, let us do good to all men. For as long as man has lived on this earth, the acts of benevolence have been a great necessity. The purpose of benevolence is to help meet the basic need of people by providing clothing, food and shelter. As a congregation we take part in ministering to those in need by providing meals on the 4th Saturday of each month through the Wilhelmina Gill Food Kitchen, providing food service to the community on the 3rd Saturday of each month at the Village Initiative, feeding children in the community, and supporting the needs of the family during the difficult loss of a loved one, and offering financial assistance for utilities and/ or bills for those who have fallen on hard times.

Outreach and development

Overseen by: Dr. James Maxwell, Minister Emeritus
Directors: Elder Randy & Deacons

Community Outreach is designed to enrich the lives of at risk adults and youth mostly through our Village Initiative, which is a faith-based community program. In order to make a difference in critical areas, the Village Initiative ministers to inmates in jail and prison as well as provides transitional housing for those in substance abuse programs through the House of Hope. Roswell also provides housing for seniors through the Parallel Senior Villas.

Worship, Finance, Building & Grounds

Overseen by: Elder Stanley Addison
Directors: Deacon Oscar Williams & Deacon Alvin Williams

Good Stewardship includes overseeing the finances of the church and keeping the building and grounds in good condition. Some of the ministries in this area include Finance, Building Operations, Worship, Security, Ushers/ Hospitality, Beautification and Care Groups.


Overseen by: Elder Randy George
Director: Deacon Bill Davis

Edification means to “build up”. It exists within our conversations and our actions, and involves demonstrating love and consideration for others. As we follow the example of the early church, the scriptures tells us in Acts 2:42 that they continued steadfastly in the Apostles doctrine and of fellowship with the breaking of bread and in prayers. Fellowship brings Christians closer together for the edification of the Saints. At Roswell, we edify through Education in Sunday School and bible studies; fellowship through Youth, Women’s, Men’s, and Matura Adults Ministries; uplift in songs through the Music Ministry. We keep our members and community informed through communication/media and provide service through our Transportation and Kitchen ministries.